

‘Grenoble ATtractiveness and ExcellenceS, or GATES, is a winning project in the “Excellence in all its forms” call for projects under the France 2030 plan. With a budget of €27 million over 10 years, it is a substantial project with three main strands, the second of which concerns data and social sciences and humanities. See the university website for an overview of the project.

Data SHS – or how to ‘dataify’ the humanities and social sciences?

The 2nd axis of the GATES project aims to increase the attractiveness of research in the humanities and social sciences through the prism of research data. One of the challenges is to ensure that scientific questions can be asked in the light of the possibilities offered by the processing of research data, and more generally by cutting-edge technologies such as Big Data and artificial intelligence (Large Language Model, Machine Learning, etc.). To this end, a pool of engineers is made available to the various SHS research projects. The role of this pool, comprising 6 engineers plus a manager, is to deploy engineering solutions for the management – collection, processing, display, sharing and opening up – of research data within the various SHS research projects.

Where is the pool of engineers located?

It is part of the GRICAD research support unit: Grenoble Alpes Recherche - Infrastructure de Calcul Intensif et de Données (gricad.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr), and more specifically its Open Science, Data, Codes and Software team. It is located in the IMAG building (2nd floor), 150 place du Torrent, 38400 Saint Martin d’Hères.

What projects are the engineers working on?

The scope covers all projects carried out by the research units belonging to one of the university’s two SHS (Human and Social Sciences) or PSS (Social Sciences) divisions. Every year in May, a ‘needs survey’ is published. It allows project developers to apply to the engineering pool. The projects are then examined and distributed to the engineers in the pool by GATES governance. For the purposes of transparency, the results of the annual needs feedback are the subject of a blog post.

Projects helped


Joseph Beau-Reder

2024-02 to present

Master in natural language processing at the Grenoble Alpes University, he comes from a social sciences/philosophy background, and is very curious about all the disciplines of social sciences and computer science.

Karolin Boczoń

2024-02 to present

Master in Natural Language Processing from a scholarship in computer science, they especially enjoy text-applied Data Science.

Lilas Lacoste

2024-04 to present

A generalist engineer, she has been working in support of research in the Humanities and Social Sciences on data collection and processing issues since 2020.

Maxence Larrieu

2023-08 to present

A doctor in computer music, a niche field at the crossroads of digital and human sciences, since 2015 he has worked on the development of open science in various universities.

Louis Maritaud

2024-02 to present

A doctor in language sciences, specialising in conversational analysis, he has been working on the reciprocal links between digital technology and the humanities since 2021.


gricad-gates followed by the arobase character and the university’s domain name

Editorial line

This blog reports on the work carried out by the pool of engineers. The editorial line is operational and engineering. At a lesser level, it also describes organisational aspects, such as the annual ‘needs assessment’, or training and support activities.


This site is produced with Jekyll and hosted on the university’s institutional forge: gricad-gitlab.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/gates-data-shs/blog. All content is written in open markdown format.


GATES, “Grenoble ATtractiveness and ExcellenceS”, is a project initiated as part of the France 2030 plan through the “ExcellenceS sous toutes ses formes” action. It has the identifier ANR-22-EXES-0001.


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